
How To Clean Using Down Pillow Ho'oponopono

I am sorry.

Please, forgive me.

Thank you.

And, I dear you.

Latest Ho'oponopono/ Goose egg Limits Updates

-– The Official Cocky Indentity Through Ho'oponopono (SITH) web site has been inverse to Ho'oponopono web site

–- The Foudation of I, Inc. – Freedom from the Cosmos

-– The mind 'actively erases memories to create space for new information'

-– The Ho'oponopono 2012
Basic I Class Schedule
has been released at the official
Self I-dentity through Ho'oponopono web site.

-– Read our complete review of the Zilch Limits 3 – The Final Chapter DVD'southward

-– Read our complete review of the new DVD, "Subliminal Manifestation: Zero Limits"

-–Purchase the "Subliminal Manifestation: Zero Limits" DVD

-– Read our review of the "Zero Limits Two Seminar – Live from Maui"

-– Purchase the "Zero Limits Two Seminar – Live from Maui"video set

New Ho'oponopono Videos

Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len Interview with Rita Montgomery and Dr. Rick Moss – Parts one – ix
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 |

Function iv | Part 5 | Part 6 |

Part vii | Part 8 | Role nine

New video interviews with Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len with Osho Vilas Peter:
Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len Part 1 | Part 2

Self-Cleaning With Ho'oponopono

Self-Cleaning With Ho'oponopono 2

Ho'oponopono Meditation Mantra and Prayer

Ho'oponopono and EFT Cleaning Guided Meditation

Hypnotic Ho'oponopono Procedure Video Manifestation

Supplemental Information

Encounter Morrnah N. Simeona'due south Prayers to the Divine section

Visit our Ho'oponopono Resources section

Read our review on the "Zero Limits" book

Read our review of the "Aught Limits I" seminar audio recording

Purchase the beginning "Zero Limits" seminar audio recording

Cocky I-Dentity through Ho'oponopono Official Domicile

Hither is an essential article by Dr. Hew Len entitled "Who's In Charge?" (Required reading to take a Ho'oponopono workshop)

Joe Vitale Official Habitation

The Globe's Most Unusual Therapist

Mabel Katz Official Abode

Lodge a Ceeport Sticker, Solutions Card, Lapel Pin or Bookmark

How to make Bluish Solar Water

Hawaiian Undercover Cleansing Tools

Check out our review of "The Easiest Way" and find lots more Ho'oponopono data, videos and links. Read more than ➠

Dr. Hew Len & Joe Vitale Radio Interviews

Click here and heed an audio recording of Joe Vitale and Dr. Hew Len at the special dinner in Austin, TX on February 25, 2006 that is famously mentioned in the volume "Nix Limits."

Here are some fabulous radio interviews with Dr. Hew Len on "News For The Soul" with Nicole Whitney from 2006 and 2007 that are extremely informative, including a joint interview with Joe Vitale. (Requires free Real Player software to listen: Windows | Mac) Listen now ➠

Here is even so another radio interview with Dr. Hew Len on Tributaries Radio – November eleven, 2006 (Removed from archives)

Dr. Hew Len / Mabel Katz Seminars & Videos

Conscious Alliances Interview with Dr. Ihaleakalá Hew Len and Mabel Katz – January 13, 2009

Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len and Mabel Katz interview on Karmacaffe radio– December 24, 2008

Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len and Mabel Katz interview on
No Out There radio – December 17, 2008

Webinar Video and Two Interviews with Dr. Ihaleakalá Hew Len and Mabel Katz

Briefing with Dr. Ihaleakalá Hew Len and Mabel Katz at the Love and Understanding Institute

Conference with Dr. Ihaleakalá Hew Len and Mabel Katz – Los Angeles, California

Ho'oponopono Tele-Classes & Tele-seminars with Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, PhD

Below are a serial of several very brusk video clips with/ Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len from the "Mabel Katz Show":

– Dr. Hew Len on How Blue Solar Water Works with Mabel Katz – Oct 2008

-Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len on "The Clandestine" – October 2008

Joe Vitale Podcasts

Joe Vitale has washed a lot of great radio interviews where he explains in swell item his experiences using Ho'oponpono. You lot tin can subscribe and listen to his podcasts for complimentary by clicking the RSS icon beneath.

FREE iTunes Download

This is a very inspiring video of Joe Vitale talking about his feel using the Ho'oponopono method and what it has meant to him in his own life. Watch now ➠

Ho'oponopono Articles

Manufactures by Dr. Ihaleakalá Hew Len

Ho'oponopono Insights

More Ho'oponopono Insights

100% Responsibility and the Promise of a Hot Fudge Sundae – An Interview with Ihaleakala Hew Len

"Does Memory Reside Exterior the Brain?"

"Zero Limits" audio book

"The Primal" sound book

Additional Ho'oponopono Resources

How to Brand Blue Solar Water

"The Guru Guide-How to practise Ho'oponopono" video

Ho'oponopono meditation video

"Ho'oponopono" music video by Keali'i Reichel

Keali'i Reichel Official Site

"Ho'oponopono" music video by Japanese artist Aman Ryuseke Seto

Aman Ryuseke Seto Official Site

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LIFE TRANSFORMATIONAL TOOLS #1: Ho'oponopono: The Aboriginal Hawaiian Arrangement
of Healing (cont.)

Part three: Glossary of Ho'oponopono Words, Phrases, Definitions and Cleaning Tools

Part 4: Ho'oponopono Resources | Part five: Dr. Hew Len Sound and Video Interviews |

Function 1: Ho'oponopono Overview | Part 2: Morrnah N. Simeona'south Prayers to the Divine

by Scott Mowry

Beneath are a few select words, phrases, people, etc. with their bones definitions that are used regularly in the terminology in the procedure of Ho'oponopono. All of these words, phrases, etc. take been previously presented in the "Nil Limits" volume and seminars.

For a more thorough resource of Hawaiian linguistic communication words, refer to the book, "Hawaiian Dictionary" by Mary Kawena Pukui; Samuel H. Elbert, University of Hawaii Printing, Honolulu, Hawaii 1971. Also, see the article, "Who'south In Charge?" past Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len for more detailed definitions:

Ho'oponopono – pronounced "hoh OH pohno pohno," it is the ancient Hawaiian system of healing, problem solving and transformation. In Hawaiian the give-and-take means "to make correct or to rectify an error." An error is a memory (or memories), or data replaying in the hidden mind. (Meet below for definitions of "memories" and "information.") More information on Ho'oponopono can be constitute in the commodity Beyond Traditional Means: Ho'oponopono.

Hawai'i – Hawaiian word in which, "Ha" means "the breath of Divinity" and "wai" means "the water of Divinity or the water of life," and "i" is the capital "I," as in "me." The discussion, "Hawaii," in and of itself, is a cleaning tool when spoken out loud and tin exist used earlier and after speaking on the telephone, (run across beneath for more cleaning tools). Too, of course, information technology is the 50th state in the union, located in the South Pacific, where Ho'oponopono originated.

Aloha – Hawaiian word pregnant "to be in the presence of God" and is a cleaning tool when spoken out loud.

Self I-dentity Through Ho'oponopono (SITH) – an updated Hawaiian problem solving process to release memories that are experienced as problems. SITH was adult by Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona, a Hawaiian Kahuna Lapa'au. Kahuna ways "keeper of the secret" and Lapa'au ways "a specialist in healing."

The Foundation of I – the non-profit arrangement that oversees the Self I-Dentity through Ho'oponopono teachings, instructors, classes and carries on the legacy of its founder, Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona. It'due south headquarters are in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. (Come across world wide

Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona – founder of the Self I-Dentity through Ho'oponopono procedure, Morrnah was a Hawaiian "kahuna la'au lapa'au" or healing priest and practitioner of lomilomi massage. She was recognized by the Land of Hawaii as a Living Treasure in 1983. More information on Morrnah can be establish in the article Across Traditional Ways: Ho'oponopono.

Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len – Hawaiian psychologist, principal teacher of the Self-Identity through Ho'oponopono procedure, public figurehead of the Foundation of I, and co-writer of the book "Zero Limits: The Surreptitious Hawaiian System for Health, Wealth, Peace and More". "Ihaleakala" is Dr. Hew Len's given name, presented to him past Divinity, which when spoken out loud, acts equally another cleaning tool. (See beneath for more cleaning tools.)

Joe Vitale – speaker, writer of numerous self-help books including co-author of the book, "Zero Limits: The Secret Hawaiian System for Health, Wealth, Peace and More than," and co-presenter of the series of three Zero Limits seminars

"Zero Limits: The Cloak-and-dagger Hawaiian System for Wellness, Wealth, Peace and More" – the book co-authored by Joe Vitale and Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len released in 2007, that told the story of Dr. Hew Len's amazing life and career, and the history and process of Ho'oponopono. Also, zero limits is the land of being where ane requires nothing, where 1 is in perfect harmony with the Divine –– the zero state.

Mabel Katz – Ho'oponopono teacher who ofttimes teams with Dr. Hew Len to present Ho'oponopono workshops and teleconferences. Author of the book, "The Easiest Way."

IZ – pronounced like the discussion, "is," and is 1 of the 3 states of listen which means neutral and stands for "space zero." I = infinite, Z = cypher.

IZI – pronounced like the word "easy," and is second of the 3 states of mind which means "inspiration." The country of mind in which Divinity comes through the zip and inspires you, when you are into the flow, when it happens without effort, it happens with ease.

IZ‹‹‹ – the third of three states of listen which is known as "dis-ease." When memories go against "easy" or inspiration, away from the source and yourself and the mind goes into "dis-ease". The exact opposite of IZI➠.

cleaning – the process of erasing or neutralizing negative free energy, information, misinformation, trash, garbage, etc. from the consciousness or conscious mind, by employing tools such as the words/phrases: "I am distressing"/ "delight forgive me" / "thanks" / "I love you." Thereby, in doing this cleaning process i is highly-seasoned to the Divine to solve or neutralize the problem or disharmonize within. Cleaning is as well achieved by using other types of tools such equally strawberries, blueish corn chips, ferns, Blue Solar h2o, etc. (See beneath for more than cleaning tools.)

Inner Kid Meditation – the inner kid is the subconscious mind and the Inner Child Meditation is the process of connecting the witting mind to the subconscious heed, or in other words, connecting the Mother to the child in which, the conscious heed is the Mother. All memories from the kickoff of cosmos reside in the child or the hidden listen. The Inner Child Meditation is considered to be the about of import relationships in all of creation and is considered to be a cleaning tool. (More than data tin be constitute on the DVD, "Subliminal Manifestations: Zero Limits".)

inspiration – the only true vocalism or message from the Divine that is delivered to a human being through the hidden heed.

wisdom – the only thoughts that are important for human beings, above and across information, information, knowledge, education, etc.

nothing country – the state of being in which ane has no desires, no need to know how or why, in fact, no needs whatsoever. A perfect land of being.

memories – data, cognition, educational activity or man made thoughts, in other words, not of the Divine, that are passed down from our ancestors, family unit or past lives, or are picked up like viruses which attach themselves to homo beings and make full their conscious minds with chaos, misinformation, garbage, trash, or bs.

data – same as "memories."

Divine Creator or Divine Intelligence – kickoff of four elements of the mind, likewise known as the source or the creator within united states of america and as the "omaka" in the Hawaiian language, which means "the source". (See the article, "Who's In Charge?" for a more detailed explanation.)

super conscious listen – second of four elements of the human mind that sits beneath the Divine Creator and above the witting heed, and the subconscious mind. Also known as the spirit or Holy Ghost in Christianity, or the Father. In the Hawaiian language it is called the "aumakua" which means, "across all time and infinite." (Come across the commodity, "Who'south In Charge?" for a more detailed explanation.)

intellect or witting mind – 3rd of four elements of the man listen that sits beneath the super consciousness and above the subconscious. Information technology is also known every bit the mental role of the mind, or, every bit the Mother aspect of the mind (meet Inner Child Meditation above). The Hawaiian language word is "uhane" which means "soul." (See the commodity, "Who'southward In Charge?" for a more detailed explanation.)

subconscious mind – fourth of four elements of the homo mind that sits directly below the conscious mind, also known as the child aspect of the mind (see Inner Child Meditation above). In the Hawaiian language it is called the "unihipili". The subconscious listen is where all memories or information are stored or where bug are found. (Encounter the commodity, "Who'south In Charge?" for a more detailed explanation.)

CLEANING TOOLS cleaning tools are employed in the Ho'oponopono cleaning process which aid in "erasing" negative energies or memories trapped within the subconscious mind.

Although some of the tools may seem odd, if not somewhat silly, information technology is only our conscious minds (the intellect) which judges them to be so. In point of fact, all of these cleaning tools have come through Divine inspiration and therefore, may appear to be somewhat inexplicable to the and then-called, "rational" conscious mind, that thinks it knows everything. When it betoken of fact, the conscious mind is severely limited when compared to the subconscious heed, the super consciousness or Divine intelligence.

These are just a sampling of the over 80 different cleaning tools that take been recognized. Dozens of other tools volition be made available to you lot upon completion of a Ho'oponopono workshop with Dr. Hew Len and/or other instructors. See the IZI, Inc. web site for a schedule of upcoming classes.

Blue Solar H2o – cleaning tool that consists of water that is blessed past Divinity in a procedure of putting tap water into a blue glass bottle and setting it in sunlight, or under an incandescent low-cal seedling, (non fluorescent) for a menstruation of at to the lowest degree an hr. Information technology must exist capped with a non-metallic acme such as plastic cap or saran wrap. This "solarized" water can then be used for drinking, cooking and/or bathing. (See How to brand Blueish Solar Water. )

Breathing exercises – works to cancel out memories, clear out depression, alzheimer's affliction, release Earth-spring spirits and negative vibrations and shuts down all psychic doors that are open. Besides can be used to overcome jet lag and as protection when flight past doing one round per every hour of flying time, before boarding a aeroplane. A round of a breathing practise is done by inhaling through the nose to the count of seven, holding for the count of seven, then exhaling through the mouth to the count of vii, and then belongings again to the count of seven. And so repeat nine times. As well can exist done anywhere from vii to ten times, for vii to ten rounds.

Ceeport – a variety of products such equally lapel pins, stickers, straws, caps, etc., that perform a cleaning process on objects and people. Ceeport stands for "clean, erase, erase as you return to port, or, come domicile to sky or paradise." Ceeport products tin can be found at Mabel Katz'south web site.

Ice bluish – cleaning tool, which can exist spoken out loud or repeated silently in the mind.

dew driblet –cleaning tool, which can be spoken out loud or repeated silently in the mind.

fern establish – cleaning tool that can either spoken out loud or silently in the mind, or the human activity of physically touching the plant.

eraser – symbolic cleaning tool for erasing memories or performing the cleaning process. Can be visualized, spoken out loud or repeated silently in the mind.

strawberries – cleaning tool that can be eaten, in which only one molecule is necessary to ingest. Assists in clearing of concerns about weight.

blueberries – cleaning tool that can be eaten, in which but one molecule is necessary to ingest. Opens angelic dimensions during the cleaning process and also relieves depression.

bluebells – cleaning tool, that is a species of blossom, which can be spoken out loud or repeated silently in the mind.

hot chocolate – cleaning tool that can be drunk and its purpose is to put God or the Divine first and foremost. Drinking hot chocolate erases eons of putting the world or coin offset, ahead of the Divine.

corn, corn chips, blue corn fries, blue cornmeal made by the Arrowhead Mills Company – also known as "maize" and is cleaning tools that originates from ancient grass. Can either be thought of, spoken out loud (as in the word "maize") or, in the instance of cornmeal (see left manus cavalcade to purchase), can eaten by sprinkling on food, or merely eaten as corn chips. Alternatively, a pinch of corn meal tin can be put into a closed plastic container in tap water with a capped lid, then set aside in a room. In that form, it works to create a vortex and absorb, or ward off, dark spirits and entities and is particularly useful when traveling and staying in hotel rooms.

ginger snap cookies – cleaning tool that can exist eaten.

M north' Thousand'southward – cleaning tool that can be eaten.

vanilla ice cream – cleaning tool that tin be eaten.

pretzels – cleaning tool that tin can be eaten.

pancakes – cleaning tool that can be eaten.

jellybeans – cleaning tool that can be eaten.

down feathered pillows – cleaning tool that erases "beastly" memories when sleeping upon them.

canteen palm constitute – cleaning tool that can exist visualized and takes inspiration from Divinity and begins to build and store information technology in the heed.

light-green maple leaf – cleaning tool that works on deep depression, feelings of unloved, unappreciated, uncared for, and feelings of wanting to give up on life.

candy cane – cleaning tool that will get at anything that may accept been missed by all other cleaning tools.

o ra nge juice – a cleaning tool to deal with the corruption of money – (that'due south why we don't get information technology) In your heed say: "I mentally make full a glass with orange juice right up to the brim." The Orange Juice represents God's sunlight. Mentally fill it upwards and put the identity of money into the Orange Juice and the coin will get 'Ahhhh I'g in a spa' as opposed to beingness ravished and raped. Coin feels ravished and raped like women. (Run across more at "Manufactures by Dr. Ihaleakalá Hew Len.")

[ tiptop of page ]

continued on folio 4

Part iv: Ho'oponopono Resources | Role v: Dr. Hew Len Audio and Video Interviews |

Part 1: Ho'oponopono Overview | Part 2: Morrnah N. Simeona's Prayers to the Divine

Ho'oponopono / Zippo Limits Resources
Zero Limits Seminar Audio Recording | Zilch Limits Seminar Two – Live in Ma ui |

Zero Limits Iii – The Final Chapter DVD's | Subliminal Manifestations: Zero Limits |

The Easiest Way |

Zero Limits: The Hush-hush Hawaiian System for Health, Wealth, Peace and More

Tools for Transformations
Ho'oponopono | The Oneness Blessing | EFT | Alluring Wealth |

Molding Clay: The Power of Focus | Enhanced Relationships | Matrix Energetics |

The Police force of Attraction | Health and Wellness | Heroes of Enlightenment | 2012 |

The Pineal Gland | The Solfeggio Frequencies | The Love Intention |

Rating Human Consciousness | Extra-Terrestrial Disclosure | David Wilcock |

José Argüelles | Edgar Cayce | Gregg Braden | David Hawkins Scale |

Dolores Cannon | Carl Johan Calleman | Robert Monroe

How To Clean Using Down Pillow Ho'oponopono,


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